Planning a Reliable Configuration

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Approaches to Planning

Three proven approaches to planning include: top-down execution and responsibility, bottom-up execution and responsibility, and top-down policy and bottom-up planning and execution. Whatever approach you use, ongoing improvement and updates are better than total revision when new information, policies, or procedures occur.

Top-down execution and responsibility   One department in the company is responsible for planning and coordinating policies and procedures. A centralized operations staff might be responsible for all or most computers running Windows 2000 and for executing backups. This method allows for creating a specialized group to develop procedures, procure and install hardware, conduct tests, and train personnel. Two disadvantages to this approach are that the specialists might not understand how data from the various departments relates to the overall business, and each department might not get appropriate attention.

Bottom-up execution and responsibility   Each department is responsible for developing and implementing its own plans. Each department might also be responsible for the computers that its members use and for developing backup procedures. It is the department manager who best understands the impact of data loss. However, this approach can be costly because each department must train its own personnel and do its own research.

Top-down policy and bottom-up planning and execution   One department develops the planning policy, which includes overall planning guidelines. Each department is responsible for developing and implementing its own plans and procedures. This method offers a consistent approach, which helps to ensure that each department knows the important details for a successful operation.

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