Repair, Recovery, and Restore |
Periodically, the Remote Storage engine makes a backup of the Jet databases. Each time a file is copied or migrated to tape, these databases are automatically backed up. If required, this data might be used to restore the Jet database. The Registry Restore utility Rstore.exe is provided with Remote Storage to recover the Jet database from the backup files.
This data cannot simply be copied from the EngDb.bak subdirectory to the EngDb subdirectory. The files need to be restored to the same system path, including drive letter and directory structure. For example, if the system path is D:\Winnt\System32\Remotestorage\Engdb before the recovery, then after the recovery the path is still D:\Winnt\System32\Remotestorage\Engdb. This is a requirement based on the Jet database recovery mechanisms, which only recovers the Jet database to the original path location.
To use Rstore