Evaluating Memory and Cache Usage

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Investigating Memory Shortages

Your system can develop a memory shortage if multiple processes are demanding much more memory than is available or you are running applications that leak memory. Monitor the following counters to track memory shortages and to begin to identify their causes.

To maintain a minimum number of available bytes for the operating system and processes, the Virtual Memory Manager continually adjusts the space used in physical memory and on disk. In general, if memory is ample, working set sizes can increase as needed. If the memory supply is barely adequate or very close to the amount required, you might see the operating system trim some working-set sizes when another process needs more memory—at startup, for example. Figure 6.4 illustrates this situation.

Figure 6.4    Working Set Values of Processes as One Process Starts Up
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Figure 6.4 Working Set Values of Processes as One Process Starts Up

If the value for Memory\Available Bytes is consistently below the system-defined threshold and the value for Memory\Pages/sec spikes continuously, it is likely that your memory configuration is insufficient for your needs. To confirm that a high rate of paging is related to low memory, see "Investigating Disk Paging" later in this chapter.



You might see a low value for Memory\Available Bytes, which is not caused by a memory shortage, in the following situations:

To identify processes associated with low-memory conditions, examine memory usage by specific processes, and determine if a process is leaking memory as described in "Investigating User-Mode Memory Leaks" and "Investigating Kernel-Mode Memory Leaks" later in this chapter.

If available memory is consistently low (2 MB or less), the computer becomes unresponsive because it is occupied exclusively with disk I/O operations. During paging due to low memory, the processor is idle while waiting for the disk to finish. Therefore, it is important, especially on server computers, to investigate and correct the cause of a low-memory condition. Notice which processes are running as well as the sizes of their working sets as you monitor memory counters. The processes might need to be updated or replaced if they are contributing to memory shortages and you do not want to acquire additional memory.

For information about how to address a memory shortage, see "Resolving Memory and Cache Bottlenecks" later in this chapter.

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