Evaluating Memory and Cache Usage

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Investigating Memory Problems

After you have observed memory usage under normal conditions and established your memory baseline, you might notice that the memory counters sometimes stray from the typical range. The following sections describe how to investigate conditions that cause memory values to deviate from the baseline.

The following activities help you to learn about and analyze memory usage and memory bottlenecks using System Monitor counters and other tools.

Table 6.2 summarizes the most important counters to monitor for analyzing memory usage.

Table 6.2 Counters for Analyzing Memory Usage

To monitor for Use this Object\Counter
Memory shortages Memory\Available Bytes or Available KBytes (to see the amount in kilobytes) or Available MBytes (to see the amount in megabytes)
Process (All_processes)\Working Set
Memory\Cache Bytes
Frequent hard page faults Memory\Pages/sec
Process (All_processes) \Working Set
Memory\Pages Input/sec
Memory\Pages Output/sec
Excess paging with a disk bottleneck Memory\Page Reads/sec
Physical Disk\Avg. Disk Bytes/Read
Paging file fragmentation PhysicalDisk\Split IOs\sec
PhysicalDisk\% Disk Read Time
PhysicalDisk\Current Disk Queue Length
Process\Handle Count
Memory leaks; memory-intensive applications Memory\Pool Nonpaged Allocations
Memory\Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Memory\Pool Paged Bytes
Process(process_name)\Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Process(process_name)\Handle Count
Process(process_name)\Pool Paged Bytes
Process(process_name)\Virtual Bytes
Process(process_name)\Private Bytes
Cache Manager efficiency Cache\Copy Read Hits %
Cache\Copy Reads/sec
Cache\Data Map Hits %
Cache\Data Maps/sec
Cache\MDL Read Hits %
Cache\MDL Reads/sec
Cache\Pin Read Hits %
Cache\Pin Reads/sec
To identify cache bottlenecks, also use Memory\Pages Input/sec with these counters.



The LogicalDisk object counters are not available by default. If you want to monitor the values for these counters, you must first activate the counters by typing diskperf yv at the Windows command prompt.

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