Measuring Multiprocessor System Activity

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Application Design and Multiprocessor Performance

The design of applications and services has a significant influence on the performance of those programs in an SMP environment. This section is a brief summary of techniques that applications designers can implement to maximize the efficiency of their program on multiprocessing systems. More detailed discussions of writing applications that scale well to multiple processors appear on the Microsoft® Developer Network (MSDN).

Application developers can optimize application performance for SMP systems in the following ways:

Another characteristic of spinlocks is the associated IRQL. Attempted acquisition of a spinlock temporarily raises the IRQL of the requesting processor to the IRQL associated with the spinlock. This prevents all lower IRQL activity on the same processor from running until IRQL is lowered. Interrupts at a higher IRQL can preempt the executing thread. In a driver, if IRQL is already at the desired level, use the spinlock acquire-and-release APIs that don't change IRQL. For more information about spinlocks and associated IRQLs, see the Driver Development Kit link on the Web Resources page at

In addition, intensive memory access due to copying, zeroing (for C2 security), and checksum operations reduces the ability to scale effectively across multiple processors. You can identify some of these problems through profiling. For more information about profiling tools, see the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) link on the Web Resources page at

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