Monitoring Network Performance

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Resolving Network Bottlenecks

Typical causes for network bottlenecks are an overloaded server, an overloaded network, or a loss of network integrity. The following techniques can help to address some of these problems.

Adding Network Adapters

You need to disable some bindings to allow network adapters in the same computer on the same network segment to operate correctly when using NetBEUI. The reason for this is that, if you have two adapters on the same segment and install NetBEUI, the computer sees duplicate computer names due to the resulting NetBIOS name conflict, generates an error, and fails to start system services correctly. This also occurs on bridged or switched networks. In this case you also see the Event ID 2505 error in the event log, indicating a duplicate name on the network. The error might appear in the event log as either of the following messages:

This problem does not affect routable protocols such as TCP/IP or AppleTalk because when you install or reconfigure them, you have to choose a network adapter, and this automatically disables the protocol's bindings to other adapters. In addition, the operating system treats NetBT as a namespace and need not be disabled. You can manually configure multiple network adapters in a computer by disabling NetBEUI bindings to network adapters other than the one you want to use for the NetBEUI protocol. To do this, disable the following bindings:

When you have disabled all of these bindings, network operations can proceed.

In addition, if all clients have equal network access to any of the network adapters on the multihomed computer, and all of the client and server network adapters are on the same subnet, you can help to distribute the client connections between the server network adapters by adding the RandomAdapter registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet
. In this way, each network adapter will still respond to the name query, but each network adapter will choose the IP address randomly from all the network adapters on the server. This helps to distribute network sessions among the network adapters, but does not necessarily balance the load because network traffic might vary greatly between the sessions.



Do not use a registry editor to edit the registry directly unless you have no alternative. The registry editors bypass the standard safeguards provided by administrative tools. These safeguards prevent you from entering conflicting settings or settings that are likely to degrade performance or damage your system. Editing the registry directly can have serious, unexpected consequences that can prevent the system from starting and require that you reinstall Windows 2000. To configure or customize Windows 2000, use the programs in Control Panel or Microsoft Management Console (MMC) whenever possible.

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