Routing and Remote Access Service

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Installation and Configuration

Unlike with RRAS for Windows NT 4.0 and most network services of Windows 2000, you cannot elect to install or uninstall the Routing and Remote Access service through Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. The Windows 2000 Routing and Remote Access service is automatically installed in a disabled state.

To enable and configure the Routing and Remote Access service

  1. Run Routing and Remote Access from the Administrative Tools folder.
  2. For the local computer, right-click the server icon and select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.

    For a remote computer, right-click the Server Status icon and click Add Server. In the Add Server dialog boxes, select the server you want to add.

  3. To configure your remote access router, in the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard, select the appropriate options.

Once the wizard has finished, the remote access router is enabled and configured based on your selections in the wizard. To do further configuration, use the Routing and Remote Access snap-in.

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