IP Multicast Support

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Routing and Remote Access Snap-In Tables

There are three tables containing IP multicast information that can be viewed with the Routing and Remote Access snap-in:

Their location within the Routing and Remote Access snap-in depends on the component that maintains the table.

Multicast Forwarding Table

The multicast forwarding table is the table used by IP to forward IP multicast traffic. Each entry records a specific host group and the source of the traffic. The Type column is set to Active for the entry if packets for the host group are being forwarded and set to Negative if the traffic is seen on the network but the router is not forwarding because no hosts have registered for this group.

To view the multicast forwarding table, right-click the General node under IP Routing, and then click Show Multicast forwarding table.

Multicast Statistics

Multicast statistics are counters and other information compiled by IP for each multicast group being forwarded. An entry for multicast statistics records the group address, the IP address of the multicast source, the interface on which it was received, the number of packets received, and other information.

To view multicast statistics, right-click the General node under IP Routing, and then click Show Multicast statistics.

IGMP Group Table

The IGMP group table displays IGMP host group membership information for all host groups registered on all interfaces configured for IGMP router mode. Each entry records uptime (number of seconds since the group was first registered), expiry time (the number of seconds left before the group expires if no hosts send host membership reports for this address), and other information.

To view the IGMP Group Table, right-click the IGMP node under IP Routing, and then click Show group table.

IGMP Interface Group Table

The IGMP interface group table displays IGMP host group membership information for host groups registered on a specific interface configured for IGMP router mode. Each entry records uptime (number of seconds since the group was first registered), expiry time (the number of seconds left before the group expires if no hosts send host membership reports for this address), and other information.

To view the IGMP Interface Group Table, right-click the interface in the IGMP node under IP Routing, and then click Show interface group table.

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