Remote Access Server

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NetBIOS Gateway

Windows 2000 includes the NetBIOS gateway for remote access clients that use either the NetBEUI protocol with the PPP remote access protocol or the AsyBEUI remote access protocol. With the NetBIOS gateway, a remote access client using NetBEUI can access any NetBIOS-based network resource that is reachable from the remote access server.

With the NetBIOS gateway, the remote access client can access any of the following resources:

The NetBIOS gateway component is responsible for:



The NetBIOS gateway cannot be used to access non-NetBIOS resources, such as Web servers, FTP servers, and other types of Windows Sockets–based resources.

Figure 7.9 illustrates the NetBIOS gateway architecture of the remote access server.

Figure 7.9    NetBIOS Gateway
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Figure 7.9 NetBIOS Gateway

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