Remote Access Server

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To configure an IPX-based remote access client with IPXCP, the remote access server allocates an IPX network number and an IPX node number. The network number allocation behavior is configured from the IPX tab on the properties of a remote access router in the Routing and Remote Access snap-in. The main capabilities of IPX configuration are:

You can set the first IPX node number as a 12-digit hexadecimal number to be allocated to IPX remote access clients.To do so, add the FirstWanNode (REG_SZ) registry entry to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess \Parameters\Ipx

And enter the desired IPX node number in the value of the entry.

Subsequent IPX clients are assigned incrementally increasing node numbers. If this registry entry does not appear in the registry, a random IPX node number, in the form 0x2E-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (where you specify each x digit), is assigned when the remote access client does not request a specific IPX node number.

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