Interoperability with IBM Host Systems

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SNA Server Host Print Service

The Host Print Service provides server-based 3270 and 5250 printer emulation, allowing host applications to print to a LAN printer supported by Windows 2000 Server or Novell NetWare. You can administer all Host Print Service functions using SNA Server Manager and control print characteristics, such as margin control and fonts. Printer output can also be redirected to files that are saved with incremental file names.

Each host printer definition also allows printing filters to be associated with print sessions. Filters are provided through third-party applications that allow the Host Print Service to participate in APF and other specialized print environments.

Mainframe Printing

For mainframe environments, shown in Figure 10.20, the Host Print Service supports both LU 1 and LU 3 print data streams, including transparent print jobs sent by host-based print preprocessors.

Figure 10.20    Mainframe Printing
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Figure 10.20 Mainframe Printing

To print 3270 print jobs, you need to perform the following steps in SNA Server Manager:

For more information about configuring mainframe print sessions, see the SNA Server version 4.0 documentation.

AS/400 Printing

For AS/400 printing, shown in Figure 10.21, the Host Print Service supports standard SCS line printing, and pass-through support for host-based 3812 graphics printing emulation using the IBM Host Print Transform function.

Figure 10.21    AS/400 Printing
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Figure 10.21 AS/400 Printing

For more information about configuring an AS/400 print session and customizing printer output, see the SNA Server version 4.0 documentation.

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