Interoperability with IBM Host Systems

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Interoperability with IBM Host Systems

Microsoft® SNA Server is the Microsoft solution for integrating personal computer–based clients and servers with IBM host systems. Using SNA Server, you can provide Microsoft and non-Microsoft-based clients with secure access to IBM host data, applications, and network services. You can integrate SNA Server into your existing IBM host environment, and you can develop solutions that allow users to gain transparent access to host resources from their desktop operating system or Web browser interface.

In This Chapter

Overview of Microsoft SNA Server

Network Integration Methods

Communications with Hierarchical SNA Networks

Communications with Peer-to-Peer SNA Networks

Heterogeneous Client Services

Host Print Services

LAN-to-Host Security

Host Data Access

Host Application Integration Using COMTI

Host Transaction Integration

Web-to-Host Integration

Network Management Integration



The interoperability solutions in this chapter are based on Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0–based applications and technologies. Future versions of these applications and technologies might change. Therefore, the material included in this chapter is also subject to change.

Related Information in the Resource Kit

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