Interoperability with IBM Host Systems

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Providing Fault Tolerance

In the AS/400 environment, SNA Server uses a combination of LU names and LU aliases over one or more servers to achieve transparent fault-tolerant connections to an AS/400 host, as shown in Figure 10.18.

Figure 10.18    Hot Backup Across Connections and Servers
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Figure 10.18 Hot Backup Across Connections and Servers

A single computer running SNA Server can use multiple connections to provide fault tolerance. To use this method, two or more APPC connections to the same AS/400 are configured as hot backups for one another. If one of the connections fails, the clients are reconfigured to select a working configuration.

SNA Server can also use multiple SNA Server–based computers as backups for one another. If one of the servers fails, the clients are shifted from the failed server to a working server.

Using a combination of hot backup methods across both connections and servers is recommended to maintain a high level of host availability in your enterprise.

For more information about configuring hot backup for APPC connections, see the SNA Server version 4.0 documentation.

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