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Printing Issues and Solutions

The following are common issues and solutions involving printers or printing devices.

AppleTalk printers do not show up in the printers folder available from the AppleTalk Printers dialog box

Clicking the AppleTalk zone name does not display the printers in that zone. You must double-click the Zone name from the Available AppleTalk Printers dialog box.

Printing error messages consistently appear when the printing device prints documents

The PostScript error "Offending command" appears at the end of the printed document or elsewhere

A user or administrator might have canceled the print job while it was spooling. No action is necessary, and you can reprint the file as desired.

A user is spooling to a PSTODIB printing device, and it has PostScript level 2 elements or is a PostScript level 2 document.

Print jobs fail to print

Check each printing device that prints jobs for these printers. If one of the printing devices is turned off, all printing devices can stop printing.

Macintosh extended characters (such as bullets, smart quotes, and copyright and trademark symbols) are changed into other characters on the LaserWriter II

Set the communications port for the LaserWriter correctly, referring to the owner's manual for the printing device. If the LaserWriter has not been set correctly, printing problems can occur, regardless of how you set the COM port in Control Panel in Windows 2000 Server. This problem affects Macintosh computers more frequently than Windows 2000 computers because Macintosh computers use extended characters more often than other clients do.

For more information about troubleshooting, see the link to the Microsoft Technet Web site at

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