IBM SNA Interoperability Concepts

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File-Level Data Access

DDM also supports the Stream Input/Output (Stream I/O) file-level protocol for host data access. Stream I/O provides access to IBM host data one file at a time, as opposed to one record at a time, such as with Structured Query Language (SQL). This process provides the basis on which to build fast bulk-data file transfer solutions, such as moving files from one host region to another or transferring entire files from a workstation computer to the host.



Microsoft SNA Server includes the ODBC Driver for DB2 and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and virtual storage access memory (VSAM) to support access to relational and nonrelational host data. SNA Server can also support applications that replicate host database information to Windows 2000 Server–based database applications such as Microsoft® SQL Server. For more information about how to use SNA Server host database drivers and replication methods, see "Interoperability with IBM Host Systems" in this book.

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