IBM SNA Interoperability Concepts

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Hardware Components on Peer-to-Peer Networks

A typical APPN network is composed of several different devices, such as IBM host computers or personal computers connected to one or more LANs, as illustrated in Figure A.6.

The peer-oriented model can be employed within many different environments. The AS/400 midrange computer, because of its popularity and primary use of APPN, is the host that is most often associated with APPN and the peer-oriented networking model. Modern mainframe systems are beginning to support APPN as well.

Figure A.6    APPN Network Components
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Figure A.6 APPN Network Components

An APPN hardware component can be any device on the APPN network that can function as a PU type 2.1 node. PU 2.1, described later in this appendix, is an upgrade and extension of PU type 2 used in hierarchical networks. With the appropriate software, the following hardware components can be configured as PU 2.1 nodes:

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