IBM SNA Interoperability Concepts

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IBM Host Transaction Processing Standards

IBM uses different transaction processing standards for different operating environments. The following are the two most popular host-based systems used to monitor and manage OLTP programs.

Customer Information and Control System (CICS)   This system was developed to run OLTP programs on the IBM MVS operating system. It is a proprietary system that supports host-based transaction processing using a TP monitor with an integrated TP manager.

Information Management System (IMS)   This system provides a TP monitor with an integrated TP manager and a hierarchical database. The TP monitor and the database can both coordinate transactions with non-IMS TP monitors and databases. Because CICS and IMS are so widely used, the Windows platform and COM programs must support interoperability with CICS and IMS data and transactions to effectively support OLTP.



Microsoft SNA Server provides a feature called COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI) for CICS and IMS to enable COM-based programs to interact with IBM host–based CICS and IMS programs. Organizations can use COMTI with other SNA Server host integration technologies to build robust, multi-tier applications that make IBM host data and applications available to heterogeneous networks and intranets. For more information about SNA Server integration with host data and applications, see "Interoperability with IBM Host Systems" in this book.

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