IBM SNA Interoperability Concepts

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Record-Level Data Access

Record-level access using DDM enables an application to go directly to the wanted record within a physical file. For host data access, DDM supports two record-level protocols, shown in Figure A.9:

Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA). DRDA is a DDM protocol that provides access to relational data on host platforms, including Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) and AS/400 systems that use the IBM DB2 relational database program.

Record Level Input/Output (RLIO). RLIO is a DDM protocol that supports record-level access to nonrelational data on various host operating systems, including MVS, OS/390, and OS/400.

Figure A.9    IBM Relational and Non-relational Data Formats
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Figure A.9 IBM Relational and Non-relational Data Formats

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