ASP Best Practices

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<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>

      <TITLE>Variable Sample</TITLE> 

    <BODY BGCOLOR="White" topmargin="10" leftmargin="10"> 

      <!-- Display Header --> 

      <FONT SIZE="4" FACE="Arial, Helvetica"> <B>Variable Sample</B></FONT> 


      <H3>Integer Manipulation</H3> 

      'Declare variable. 
      Dim intVariable 

      'Assign the variable an integer value. 
      intVariable = 5 

For VBScript, use Option Explicit to force explicit variable declaration. This prevents misspelled variables from causing unexpected results when the script executes.

To declare a transactional page, add the <%@ TRANSACTION=value %> directive to the first line on the page.

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