ASP Best Practices

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Object and Procedure Call Names

To distinguish object names and procedure calls from elements such as variables, begin each object name or procedure call with a verb. Use initial capitalization for each term within an object name or procedure call. Table A.1 suggests some naming conventions that could be used to name objects for some typical activities.

Table A.1   Naming Conventions for Objects and Procedures

Name Function Example
AddNew Adds new records Customer.AddNew
Update Edits records Customer.Update
Remove Deletes records Customer.Remove
Get Returns row from database Customer.GetNewest
List Returns multiple rows Customer.ListNew

To specify returns from methods that return information, use From and For with a method or function name.

Name Function Example
GetFor Returns criteria-based row Customer.GetForName
ListFor Returns criteria-based multiple rows Customer.ListForPeriod

Object Naming

Use initial capitalization for each term when naming objects, including built-in objects. Use descriptive names for objects, even though this requires more characters per name.

The following example conforms to this naming convention (“cnn” is the prefix for an ADO connection variable):

Set cnnSQL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set cnnSQLServer = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

These names do not conform:

Set cnnS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set cnnsql = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

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