
This interface is a high level Auto PC simple speech interface.

Implement the IAPCSpeech interface in one of the following ways:

IAPCSpeech::AddRef Increments the reference count for an interface on a speech object.
IAPCSpeech::AddVMenuCommand Adds commands from a resource file to a voice menu.
IAPCSpeech::AddVMenuCommandsFromResource Adds commands to the voice menu from a resource file.
IAPCSpeech::AttribGet Gets speech related settings.
IAPCSpeech::AttribSet Sets or changes speech related settings.
IAPCSpeech::CreateSpkContext Creates a new speak context, which allows an application to do Text-to-Speech (TTS) pre-text normalization.
IAPCSpeech::CreateVMenu Creates a voice menu.
IAPCSpeech::DestroySpkContext Destroys a speak context.
IAPCSpeech::PlaySound Plays a canned speech sound file.
IAPCSpeech::QueryFeedbackLevel Retrieves the feedback level for key response and for voice commands.
IAPCSpeech::QueryInterface Retrieves a pointer to a IAPCSpeech interface.
IAPCSpeech::QuerySpeakingMode Gets whether or not the operating system is playing a text-to-speech (TTS) phrase or prerecorded speech.
IAPCSpeech::QuerySpeechInterface Queries for the voice command and voice text interfaces.
IAPCSpeech::Release Decrements the reference count for the calling interface on a speech object.
IAPCSpeech::SetMsgOptions Sets options for message notifications.
IAPCSpeech::SetSpkContextRule Sets a context rule used to normalize a text string before sending the string to the text-to-speech (TTS) engine.
IAPCSpeech::Speak Speaks the null-terminated string stored in pszSpeak using text-to-speech (TTS)
IAPCSpeech::SpeakEx Speaks the null-terminated string stored in pszSpeak using text-to-speech (TTS), with more options.
IAPCSpeech::Train Trains the application to recognize a user command, and deals with only one command at a time.
IAPCSpeech::VoiceHelpStart Called by the shell to start voice Help.
IAPCSpeech::VoiceHelpStop Called by the shell to stop voice Help.