This method retrieves a description of the amount of information and detail provided in the feedback for key response and for voice commands.
HRESULT IAPCSpeech::QueryFeedbackLevel( DWORD *pKeyFeedback, DWORD *pVoiceFeedback, DWORD *pReserved, DWORD dwFlag );-
NOERROR indicates success. If an error occurs, the appropriate HRESULT value is returned.
An application does not need to call this method every time the application provides speech feedback. Instead, an application should only call this method during the initialization of the application. If the feedback level changes, the application receives a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message that has a wParam value equal to SPI_SETAPCFEEDBACK and a lParam value equal to NULL. An application should call IAPCSpeech::QueryFeedbackLevel again when the application receives this WM_SETTINGCHANGE message.
The IAPCSpeech interface always plays the feedback tone when hearing a voice command. When the application receives notification of the voice command, the application should play a text-to-speech (TTS) phrase or prerecorded speech if pVoiceFeedback is APCSPCH_FB_MORE.
For version 1.0, an application usually does not need to call this method to provide appropriate feedback information, because the shell and the form manager provide most of the feedback for the application. Additionally, the application receives a WM_SPCH_FEEDBACK message containing the feedback level in the low order word of the wParam of the message.