
This method adds a command to the voice menu.


HRESULT IAPCSpeech::AddVMenuCommand( PIVCMDMENUW pMenu, LPTSTR szCmdString, UINT dwCmdID, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwVoiceCommand );


Pointer to the menu to which a command is to be added.
Null-terminated string that contains the command that is to be added to pMenu. The command string added to a voice menu includes three parts: command, long voice Help and short voice Help. The three parts are separated by a tab. The following table shows possible combinations.
cmd\tlong Help\tshort Help Has both long and short voice Help.
cmd There is no long voice Help, and short voice Help is the same as command.
cmd\t\tshort Help There is no long voice Help, and short voice Help is different from command.
cmd\tlong Help\t Has long voice Help but no short voice Help.
cmd\tlong Help Has long voice Help, and short voice Help is the same as command.

Specifies the command identifier that is to be added to the voice menu.
Specifies a bitmask for flags. It is one of the following values:
If this flag is set and the command identifier already exists in the voice menu, the command is not added.
Use this flag if the application does not want the system to provide the regular feedback to this word
Application developer can associate a DWORD with the voice command. When the command is recognized, this DWORD is notified in the wParam of WM_SPCH_RECOG. The lParam is the command identifier.

Return Values

An appropriate HRESULT value is returned.


To avoid duplicating string identifiers if your application uses speech enabled controls, use the ranges shown in the following table to assign string identifiers in resource file.

String identifier
Application 0 to 0x7FFF
Speech enabled controls 0x8000 to 0xFFFF

The string that is passed can be separated by a tab to include context-sensitive long voice Help and short voice Help strings. For more information, see VoiceHelpStart.