This message notifies the application of speech feedback.


The high order word is reserved. The low order word contains a description of the amount of information and detail currently provided in the speech feedback. It is one of the following values.
Provides a greater amount of feedback than APCSPCH_FB_LESS, usually adding either text-to speech (TTS) feedback or prerecorded speech feedback after the speech recognition tone. This additional feedback usually consists of application-specific information or the name of the application currently in use.
Provides minimal feedback.
The high order word contains the reason for the initiation of speech feedback. It is one of the following values.
Speech feedback started because the user issued the "Wake Up" command.
Speech feedback started because the user pressed the push-to-talk key.
Speech feedback started because the user issued the "Read" command.

The low order word contains information specific to the reason in the high order word. If the high order word is SFR_WAKEUPWORD or SFR_PTT, then the low order word indicates the wake up state that existed when the event occurred. A value of 1 indicates that speech recognition was already awake when the event occurred. A value of 0 indicates that speech recognition was asleep when the event occurred.