
This function registers a callback thread to receive notification of source selection or deselection.


DWORD AAM_RegisterCallback( DWORD idThread, BOOL bRegister );


Identifier of the callback thread that receives the appropriate message.
Boolean that is set to TRUE to register the callback thread, or to FALSE to deregister it.

Return Values

Zero indicates success. AAM_ERR_INVALIDPARAM indicates an invalid parameter


This function is a member of the audio source control API.

When an audio source is selected or unselected, the system posts either a WM_AUDSRCSELECT or WM_AUDSRCUNSELECT message. When an audio source is registered or unregistered, the system posts either a WM_AUDSRCREGISTER or WM_AUDSRCUNREGISTER message. In both cases, the wParam of the message is set to the audio source identifier.