
This control interface allows direct graphical device interface (GDI) access to an area on the faceplate.

IASCanvas::ClipAndCommit Sends the current contents of the device context (DC) to the screen while clipping against the supplied region.
IASCanvas::Commit Sends the current contents of the device context (DC) to the screen.
IASCanvas::CommitAt Sends a selected rectangle of the current off-screen bitmap to the screen.
IASCanvas::CommitFrom Maps and sends the contents of an off-screen bitmap, starting at the specified coordinates, to the upper-left corner of a control.
IASCanvas::get_AutoCommit Enables you to determine if the control is in the auto-commit mode and to determine the coordinates of the starting point for the off-screen bitmap from which auto-commit blits..
IASCanvas::GetDC Gets a handle to the device context for a control, or creates a compatible off-screen bitmap and gets the device context of that bitmap.
IASCanvas::put_AutoCommit Sets the auto-commit mode for a control and sets the coordinates of the starting point for an off-screen bitmap from which auto-commit blits.


The IASCanvas interface, which has a global unique identifier equal to IID_ASCANVAS, extends the IASControl interface. The canvas control has a programmatic identifier equal to APC_Canvas.