
This interface provides the methods to manage a PlayList object.

IASPlayList::get_TrackActive Gets the active track.
IASPlayList::put_TrackActive Sets the active track.
IASPlayList::get_ActiveBackColor Gets the active background color.
IASPlayList::get_ActiveForeColor Gets the active foreground color.
IASPlayList::get_BorderColor Gets the border color of the play list grid lines
IASPlayList::get_CurrentTrack Gets the number of the current track.
IASPlayList::get_HiliteBorderColor Gets the highlight border color to be drawn around the current selection.
IASPlayList::get_InactiveBackColor Gets the inactive background color.
IASPlayList::get_InactiveForeColor Gets the inactive foreground color.
IASPlayList::get_ItemHeight Gets the item height, which is the height of an individual box in a play list.
IASPlayList::get_ItemWidth Gets the item width, which is the width of an individual box in a play list.
IASPlayList::get_NumTracks Gets the number of tracks in the play list.
IASPlayList_put_ActiveBackColor Sets the active background color.
IASPlayList_put_ActiveForeColor Sets the active foreground color.
IASPlayList::put_BorderColor Sets the border color of the play list grid lines.
IASPlayList::put_CurrentTrack Sets the number of the current track.
IASPlayList::put_HiliteBorderColor Sets the highlight border color to be drawn around the current selection.
IASPlayList::put_InactiveBackColor Sets the inactive background color.
IASPlayList::put_InactiveForeColor Sets the inactive foreground color.
IASPlayList::put_ItemHeight Sets the item height, which is the height of an individual box in a play list.
IASPlayList::put_ItemWidth Sets the item width, which is the width of an individual box in a play list.
IASPlayList::put_NumTracks Sets the number of tracks in the play list.
IASPlayList::Reset Resets the play list and turns off all active tracks.


The IASPlayList interface, which has a global unique identifier equal to IID_ASPLAYLIST, extends the IASControl interface. The play list object has a programmatic identifier equal to APC_PlayList.