
This interface provides the methods to manage a character spinner control.

IASCharSpinner::get_ItemHeight Gets the item height.
IASCharSpinner::put_ItemHeight Sets the item height.
IASCharSpinner::get_CharSet Gets the character set.
IASCharSpinner::put_CharSet Sets the character set.
IASCharSpinner::get_CurChar Gets the current character.
IASCharSpinner::put_CurChar Sets the current character.
IASCharSpinner::NextChar Advances the position of the spin box to the next character.
IASCharSpinner::PrevChar Retracts the position of the spin box to the previous character.
IASCharSpinner::get_SpinMode Gets the spin mode.
IASCharSpinner::put_SpinMode Sets the spin mode.


The IASCharSpinner interface, which has a global unique identifier (GUID) equal to IID_ASCHARSPINNER, extends the IASControl interface.

The user inputs text into an application by means of a character spinner control. A WM_COMMAND message is fired to the event sink whenever the ENTER or ESCAPE is pressed. The high-order word of the wParam contains an EN_CHANGE message and the low-order word contains the control’s identifier. The high-order word of lParam contains zero if the character has been modified, and contains one if not. The low-order word of lParam contains the form’s identifier.

See Also