This interface provides methods to manage an HTML control.

IASHTMLControl::get_HTML Retrieves the current HTML string.
IASHTMLControl::get_HTMLNotifySink Retrieves a pointer to the HTML notification sink.
IASHTMLControl::get_Style Retrieves the style flags for the control.
IASHTMLControl::get_VisibleRect Retrieves a RECT structure that defines the currently visible portion of the HTML document.
IASHTMLControl::HScroll Controls horizontal scrolling.
IASHTMLControl::ImageFail Invoked if an application is unable to load an image.
IASHTMLControl::JumpToAnchor Jumps to an anchor elsewhere in the document.
IASHTMLControl::put_HTML Displays an HTML formatted string.
IASHTMLControl::put_HTMLNotifySink Receives HTML events from the control.
IASHTMLControl::put_Style Sets the style flags for the control.
IASHTMLControl::ScrollIntoView Scrolls an image into view.
IASHTMLControl::put_Image Displays an image.
IASHTMLControl::VScroll Controls vertical scrolling.


The IASHTMLControl interface, which has a global unique identifier (GUID) equal to IID_ASHTMLCONTROL, extends the IASControl interface. All IASControl methods are available through IASHTMLControl. The HTML control has a programmatic identifier equal to APC_HTMLControl.

This interface allows an application to display HTML-formatted documents. If an IAPCSpeech interface is defined and registered with the control, text-to-speech can be used to read the document aloud.