
This interface provides methods to manage a power list box control.

IASPowerListBox::Add Adds a new item to a power list box.
IASPowerListBox::AddItemsFromResource Load items from a menu resource file.
IASPowerListBox::CreateItem Adds an item to the power list box and retrieves an interface that can be used to interact with the item.
IASPowerListBox::FindItem Finds the item that matches the value of bstr.
IASPowerListBox::FindItemPartial Finds the item that matches the first character of the Unicode string specified in bstr.
IASPowerListBox::get_Alignment Retrieves how items are aligned.
IASPowerListBox::get_CenteredFocus Retrieves whether or not the power list box has centered focus.
IASPowerListBox::get_Circular Retrieves whether or not the power list box should wrap around—return to the beginning—when it reaches the end of the list.
IASPowerListBox::get_CommandPrompt Gets the command prompt.
IASPowerListBox::get_Count Gets the number of items in the power list box.
IASPowerListBox::get_Edit Enables the application to access the internal edit controls used by the power list box.
IASPowerListBox::get_FocusId Gets the identifier of the item with focus.
IASPowerListBox::get_FocusIndex Gets the index of the item with focus.
IASPowerListBox::get_HiliteCaptionColor Gets the highlight color of the caption.
IASPowerListBox::get_HiliteColor Gets the highlight color of the power list box.
IASPowerListBox::get_HiliteFont Gets the highlight font.
IASPowerListBox::get_HiliteTextColor Gets the color used for highlighted text.
IASPowerListBox::get_ItemBorder Retrieves whether or not the item has a border.
IASPowerListBox::get_ItemBorderColor Retrieves the color used for item borders.
IASPowerListBox::get_ItemCaptionColor Gets the color used for item captions.
IASPowerListBox::get_ItemHeight Gets the height of the item.
IASPowerListBox::get_ProvideCommandDataSink Retrieves a pointer to the sink interface used to obtain null command item captions.
IASPowerListBox::get_ReadOnly Retrieves whether or not the power list box is read-only.
IASPowerListBox::get_ScrollArrowsVisible Retrieves whether or not the scroll arrows are visible.
IASPowerListBox::get_ShowInteractionSymbols Retrieves whether or not the interaction symbols are shown.
IASPowerListBox::get_Sorted Retrieves whether or not the power list box is sorted.
IASPowerListBox::get_SortOrder Retrieves whether the list is sorted in ascending or descending order.
IASPowerListBox::get_StatusItemsImageList Specifies the list of status images.
IASPowerListBox::get_TitlebarUpdateMode Retrieves a mode that indicates how a power list box updates the title bar of a form.
IASPowerListBox::get_TopVisibleId Retrieves the identifier of the topmost visible item.
IASPowerListBox::get_TopVisibleIndex Retrieves the index of the topmost visible item.
IASPowerListBox::InsertAt Inserts an item at a specific index.
IASPowerListBox::Item Retrieves a pointer to an item specified by its identifier.
IASPowerListBox::ItemAt Retrieves a pointer to an item specified by its index.
IASPowerListBox::put_Alignment Sets how items are aligned.
IASPowerListBox::put_CenteredFocus Sets whether or not the power list box has centered focus.
IASPowerListBox::put_Circular Sets whether or not the power list box should wrap around—return to the beginning—when it reaches the end of the list.
IASPowerListBox::put_CommandPrompt Sets the command prompt.
IASPowerListBox::put_FocusId Sets the identifier of the item with focus.
IASPowerListBox::put_FocusIndex Sets the index of the item with focus.
IASPowerListBox::put_HiliteCaptionColor Sets the highlight color of the caption.
IASPowerListBox::put_HiliteColor Sets the highlight color of the power list box.
IASPowerListBox::put_HiliteFont Sets the highlight font.
IASPowerListBox::put_HiliteTextColor Sets the color used for highlighted text.
IASPowerListBox::put_ItemBorder Sets whether or not the item has a border.
IASPowerListBox::put_ItemBorderColor Sets the color used for item borders.
IASPowerListBox::put_ItemCaptionColor Sets the color used for item captions.
IASPowerListBox::put_ItemHeight Sets the height of the item.
IASPowerListBox::put_ProvideCommandDataSink Specifies a pointer to the sink interface used to obtain null command item captions.
IASPowerListBox::put_ReadOnly Sets whether or not the power list box is read-only.
IASPowerListBox::put_ScrollArrowsVisible Sets whether or not the scroll arrows are visible.
IASPowerListBox::put_ShowInteractionSymbols Sets whether or not the interaction symbols are shown.
IASPowerListBox::put_Sorted Sets whether or not the power list box is sorted.
IASPowerListBox::put_SortOrder Sets whether the list is sorted in ascending or descending order.
IASPowerListBox::put_StatusItemsImageList Specifies the list of status images.
IASPowerListBox::put_TitlebarUpdateMode Sets a mode that controls how a power list box updates the title bar of a form.
IASPowerListBox::put_TopVisibleId Sets the identifier of the topmost visible item.
IASPowerListBox::put_TopVisibleIndex Sets the index of the topmost visible item.
IASPowerListBox::Remove Removes an item specified by its identifier.
IASPowerListBox::RemoveAll Removes all items from the power list box.
IASPowerListBox::RemoveAt Removes an item specified by its index.


The IASPowerListBox interface, which has a global unique identifier (GUID) equal to IID_ASPOWERLISTBOX, extends the IASControl interface. All IASControl methods are available through the IASPowerListBox interface. The power list box control has a programmatic identifier equal to APC_PwrListBox.