
This interface provides methods to manage an integer spinner item.

IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Flags Retrieves whether or not the control wraps when it reaches the end of the list of integers.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Circular Retrieves the integer spinner flags.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Max Retrieves the maximum value for the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Min Retrieves the minimum value for the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Step Retrieves the step size used by the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Units Gets the units used by the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::get_Value Gets the value currently displayed by the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Circular Sets whether or not the control wraps when it reaches the end of the list of integers.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Flags Sets the integer spinner flags.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Max Sets the maximum value for the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Min Sets the minimum value for the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Step Sets the step size used by the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Units Sets the units used by the integer spinner item.
IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner::put_Value Sets the value currently displayed by the integer spinner item.


The IASPowerListBoxIntSpinner interface, which has a global unique identifier equal to IID_ASPOWERLISTBOXINTSPINNER, extends the IASPowerListBoxItem interface.

See Also
