Adding a Control Panel Application

This section describes how you can add an application to the Control Panel either as a stand-alone application, or as an extension of another application.

The code examples are part of a complete sample application, Sysinfo.dsp, included in the SDK. Sysinfo.dsp creates a display-only Control Panel application that provides information about system memory.

In Sysinfo.dsp, the three .cpp files are:

C++ files
Syssink.cpp Implements the application message sink
Sysapp.cpp Implements the application CSysInfoApp class
Sysmain.cpp Provides the entry point into the application

    To create a Control Panel application

  1. Call CoCreateInstance to create an instance of a Forms Manager.
  2. Call LoadFormResource to load a form from a resource file.
  3. Create a message sink.
  4. Call DllMain to create a DLL that is the entry point to the application and handles all Control Panel messages.
  5. Use the CALLBACK CplApplet prototype to create a callback function.
  6. Compile your application as a .cpl file instead of a .dll file.

    Design your application install program to copy your .cpl file into the Windows directory.

The following table show the messages the application callback function must process.

CPL_INIT Sent to a Control Panel application to prompt it to perform global initialization, especially memory allocation. Returns 1 when it succeeds.
CPL_GETCOUNT Sent to a Control Panel application to retrieve the number of applications supported by the application. Returns the number of applications.
CPL_NEWINQUIRE Sent to a Control Panel application to request information about a dialog box that the application supports
CPL_APCINQUIRE Requests data from the application
CPL_DBLCLK Sent to a Control Panel application when the user double-clicks an icon in the Control Panel
CPL_STOP Sent once for each application when the application that controls the Control Panel closes
CPL_EXIT Sent once to a Control Panel application before the controlling application releases the DLL that contains the application

The following code example shows how to create a message sink that handles VK_ESCAPE messages.

CSysInfoSink::HandleKeyPress(IDispatch *pdispControl, long lKeyDown)
    case VK_ESCAPE:
       // Send a quit message to the current thread.
       PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
       return S_OK; // Returns S_OK if message should stop here

   return S_FALSE; // Returns S_FALSE, if the message should continue 
                   // down the message path

The following code example shows how to create a callback function that processes Control Panel messages for Sysinfo.dsp.

LONG CALLBACK CPlApplication(HWND hwndCPL, UINT uMsg, LONG lParam1, LONG
    DEBUGMSG(ZONE_FUNCTION,(TEXT("+CPlApplication(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x,
             0x%x)\r\n"), hwndCPL, uMsg, lParam1, lParam2));

   int iStringLen;

    switch (uMsg) 
    case CPL_INIT:              // The first message received from
                                // Control Panel.exe is sent once.
        return TRUE;                // Return success

    case CPL_GETCOUNT:          // The second message is sent once.
        return 1;               // Only one application is in this DLL.

    case CPL_NEWINQUIRE:           // Query for information on the
                               // application.
        pCPLInfo = (NEWCPLINFO*) lParam2;            // Where to
                                                     // put inquiry
                                                     // information
        memset(pCPLInfo, NULL, sizeof(NEWCPLINFO));  // Clear out
                                                     // inquiry
                                                     // structure 

        // Fill NEWCPLINFO with required information
        pCPLInfo->dwSize  = (DWORD) sizeof(NEWCPLINFO);

        // The display cpl supports a faceplate, but not a VGA screen.

        // Load the icon that Control Panel uses.
        pCPLInfo->hIcon   = LoadIcon(g_hInst,
        // Load the application name into NEWCPLINFO.szName 
        // with a maximum of 32 characters.
        iStringLen = 32;  
        LoadString(g_hInst, STR_APP_SHELL_NAME, pCPLInfo->szName,
                   iStringLen );

        if( pCPLInfo->hIcon == NULL || pCPLInfo->szName == NULL ) 
            return E_FAIL;    //Return Error.
          return NOERROR;

        pAPCInfo = (APCCPLINFO*) lParam2;
        memset(pAPCInfo, NULL, sizeof(APCCPLINFO));

        // Fill APCINQUIRE with the required data.
        pAPCInfo->dwSize = (DWORD) sizeof(APCCPLINFO);

        // Load the application name into APCCPLINFO.szTTSName with a 
        // maximum of 32 characters.
        iStringLen = 32;  
        LoadString(g_hInst, STR_APP_SHELL_NAME, pAPCInfo->szTTSName,
                   iStringLen );
        return NOERROR;

*CPL_DBLCLK message
*   This application should act just as it would in a WinMain.
*   Create a message loop, a Forms Manager, a form, and so on.
    case CPL_DBLCLK:    
        MSG     msg;

        // Create a new application class instance.
        g_pApp = new CSysInfoApp(g_hInst);
        if( g_pApp == NULL ) 
            return FALSE;    

            delete g_pApp;    
            return FALSE;

    // Start a message loop.
        while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) 
            if (msg.hwnd) 
        delete g_pApp;
        return TRUE;

    case CPL_STOP:              // Sent once per application before
                                // CPL_EXIT

    case CPL_EXIT:             // Sent once before FreeLibrary called



    return TRUE;