
This interface, exposed by the Forms Manager object, provides methods that are used to manage forms.

IfmManage::CloseAppByName Closes an application.
IfmManage::DeregisterStartedApplication Removes the registration of an application from the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::fmMessageBox Displays an application-modal message box.
IfmManage::fmStartHelp Causes the application to enter the help display mode.
IfmManage::fmStopHelp Closes all help message boxes.
IfmManage::fmStopMessageBox Closes the message box for an application if one is currently displayed.
IfmManage::fmVerifyLoginState Verifies that the user has entered a password if a password is set.
IfmManage::get_AppName Gets the name of the application
IfmManage::get_AppSmallIcon Gets the small icon for an application.
IfmManage::get_ClassMsgSink Gets a pointer to the IASClassMsgSink interface of an application.
IfmManage::get_EventSink Gets a pointer to the IASEventSink interface of an application.
IfmManage::get_HelpContext Gets the help file currently associated with the application.
IfmManage::get_Menu Gets a pointer to the control that is currently selected as the menu control for the application.
IfmManage::get_MenuTitlebar Gets the title bar menu .
IfmManage::get_MenuVisible Indicates whether or not the menu is visible.
IfmManage::get_Parent Gets the owner of the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::get_Speech Gets a pointer to the IAPCSpeech interface.
IfmManage::GetAppAlertState Gets the alert state of an application.
IfmManage::GetFormsContextHandle Gets the context handle of the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::LoadFormResource Loads a form from a resource file.
IfmManage::LoadMenuResource Loads a menu from a resource file.
IfmManage::MoveAppToForeground Moves an application to the foreground.
IfmManage::MoveToForeground Moves the specified Forms Manager to the foreground and gives it the focus.
IfmManage::PostMsg Asynchronously posts a message to the message sink of an application.
IfmManage::PostMessageToApp Posts a message to a running application.
IfmManage::put_AppName Sets the name of an application.
IfmManage::put_AppSmallIcon Sets the small icon for an application.
IfmManage::put_ClassMsgSink Registers the class message sink for an application with the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::put_EventSink Registers the event sink for an application with the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::put_HelpContext Sets the specified help file.
IfmManage::put_Menu Places a specified menu control into the menu form.
IfmManage::put_MenuVisible Sets whether or not a menu is visible.
IfmManage::RegisterStartedApplication Registers an application with the Forms Manager, indicating that the application has started.
IfmManage::RestoreAppZOrder Restores the z-order of an application.
IfmManage::RestoreZOrder Restores the z-order for a Forms Manager to the value of the z-order before the last call to IfmManage::MoveToForeground.
IfmManage::SendMsg Synchronously sends a message to the message sink.
IfmManage::SetAppAlertState Sets the alert state of an application.
IfmManage::Start Registers a form with the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::Stop Removes the registration from a form with the Forms Manager.
IfmManage::StopAll Removes the registration from all the forms for an application with the Forms Manager.


The IfmManage interface extends the IDispatch interface.