
This interface provides methods that manage communication between a form and an individual control.

IASControl::Close Shuts down the control when it is removed from the form.
IASControl::Draw Repaints the form.
IASControl::get_BackColor Retrieves the background color of the control.
IASControl::get_BackGroundBrush Retrieves the current background brush.
IASControl::get_Border Indicates whether or not the control has a border.
IASControl::get_Caption Gets the caption associated with a particular control.
IASControl::get_CLSID Gets the class identifier of the Auto PC simple form.
IASControl::get_ClassMsgSink Gets a pointer to the message sink of a control.
IASControl::get_Color Gets the color that corresponds to a specified index.
IASControl::get_DeferDraw Indicates whether or not drawing has been deferred.
IASControl::get_Delegate Retrieves the current delegate control of the current control.
IASControl::get_Enable Indicates whether or not the control is enabled.
IASControl::get_EventSink Gets the event sink of a control
IASControl::get_Font Gets the font of a control.
IASControl::get_ForeColor Gets the foreground color of a control.
IASControl::get_HasUI Indicates whether or not the control has a user interface (UI).
IASControl::get_Height Retrieves the height of a control.
IASControl::get_ID Retrieves the identifier of a control.
IASControl::get_Left Retrieves the x-coordinate of the control’s left edge.
IASControl::get_NaturalSize Gets the natural size of a control.
IASControl::get_Opaque Indicates whether control is drawn opaque or transparent.
IASControl::get_Parent Retrieves a pointer to the control’s parent form.
IASControl::get_TabStop Indicates whether or not the control is a tabstop.
IASControl::get_Top Retrieves the y-coordinate of the top of the control.
IASControl::get_UserData Retrieves data stored by the user.
IASControl::get_Visible Indicates whether or not the control is visible.
IASControl::get_Width Retrieves the width of a control.
IASControl::GetBounds Retrieves the dimensions of a control.
IASControl::GetCommonBoolProperties Returns the common Boolean properties
IASControl::GotFocus Notifies a control that the control is gaining focus
IASControl::HitTest Tests whether coordinates fall within a control.
IASControl::Init Initializes a new control.
IASControl::IsStarted Checks to see if the control has been started.
IASControl::KeyPress Handles WM_CHAR messages.
IASControl::LostFocus Notifies a control that it is losing focus.
IASControl::put_BackColor Sets the background color of the control.
IASControl::put_BackGroundBrush Sets the current background brush of the control.
IASControl::put_Border Sets whether or not the control has a border.
IASControl::put_Caption Sets the caption associated with a particular control.
IASControl::put_ClassMsgSink Sets the message sink of a control.
IASControl::put_Color Sets a color specified by a color index.
IASControl::put_DeferDraw Sets whether or not drawing is deferred.
IASControl::put_Delegate Specifies the delegate control that receives messages that the current control does not handle.
IASControl::put_Enable Sets whether or not the control is enabled
IASControl::put_EventSink Sets the event sink of a control.
IASControl::put_Font Sets the font of a control.
IASControl::put_ForeColor Sets the foreground color of a control.
IASControl::put_Height Sets the height of a control.
IASControl::put_Left Sets the x-coordinate of the left edge of a control.
IASControl::put_Opaque Sets whether the control is drawn opaque or transparent.
IASControl::put_Parent Sets the parent of a control.
IASControl::put_Top Sets the y-coordinate of the top of the control.
IASControl::put_UserData Sets user-defined data.
IASControl::put_Visible Sets whether or not the control is visible.
IASControl::put_Width Sets the width of a control.
IASControl::PutCommonBoolProperties Sets common Boolean properties.
IASControl::ReceiveMsg Allows a control to receive messages.
IASControl::Redraw Redraws a control.
IASControl::SetBounds Sets the dimensions of a control.
IASControl::Speak Provides speech feedback.
IASControl::Start Called internally by the parent form of the control when the form starts.


The IASControl interface extends the IDispatch interface. If an application subclasses this interface by exposing an IASClassMsgSink interface, many of these methods subsequently invoke the related IASClassMsgSink method. A pointer to the IASClassMsgSink interface is stored in the control’s ClassMsgSink property.

Some IASClassMsgSink methods can have only a token implementation. They return S_FALSE, indicating that no processing takes place. The IASControl method should be prepared to handle processing in this event.

See Also
