
This interface provides methods required to utilize Auto PC related Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities.

IPosNav::CloseDevice Closes a Positioning and Navigation device
IPosNav::DeleteDeviceList Deletes a linked list of PNDEVICE structures
IPosNav::FindDevices Finds all connected Positioning and Navigation devices on the system
IPosNav::GetData Gets various types of data from a Positioning and Navigation device
IPosNav::OpenDevice Opens a Positioning and Navigation device for communication
IPosNav::SetData Sends data to either the Positioning and Navigation device or the registry
IPosNav::StartCall Starts a call to get data from the Positioning and Navigation device
IPosNav::StopCall Stops a call to the Positioning and Navigation device
IPosNav::BearingToVelocity Converts a bearing and two speeds to east, north, and up velocities
IPosNav::DegreesToRadians Converts latitude, longitude, and altitude data from degrees to radians
IPosNav::PNTMToWintm Converts a time in the format specified by the PNTM structure to the format specified by the Microsoft Windows CE SYSTEMTIME structure
IPosNav::RadiansToDegrees Converts latitude, longitude, and altitude data from radians to degrees
IPosNav::VelocityToBearing Converts east, north, and up velocity data to a bearing and two speeds.
IPosNav::WintmToPNTM Converts a time in the format specified by the Windows CE SYSTEMTIME format to a format specified by the PNTM structure


The IPosNav interface handles most GPS-related tasks.

The only supported Positioning and Navigation device is the GPS device.