
This method converts a bearing and two speeds to east, north, and up velocities.


HRESULT BearingToVelocity ( const pPNVELENU pENUVel, pPNVELBEAR pBearVel );


Pointer to a PNVELENU structure that contains the velocity data
Pointer to a PNVELBEAR structure to store the bearing data

Return Values

S_OK indicates success. E_INVALIDARG indicates that one or more arguments are invalid.


The horizontal speed and bearing members of the PNVELBEAR structure define a velocity vector in the plane defined by the north to south and east to west axes. This method resolves that vector into northward and eastward components. A southward velocity is represented as a negative north velocity, and an westward velocity is represented as a negative east velocity.

See Also

IPosNav::VelocityToBearing, PNVELBEAR, PNVELENU