Speech Feedback

Auto PC applications must provide some form of audible feedback for speech recognition. Feedback informs the user a response or command has been recognized. Speech feedback supplements faceplate navigation.

The following table shows the speech recognition tones played after each successful recognition of a speech command.

On Plays when an Auto PC wakes up, prior to application-specific feedback
Confirm Plays when an Auto PC is awake, after each successful recognition
Off Plays when speech recognition goes to sleep, followed by an immediate return to normal audio output volume

To hear the current application status, a user can use the Read speech command. In a bundled application, the Read speech command reads the title bar text and the item in focus. For example, in Address Book, when a user says Read, the application replies Address Book, pauses, and then provides the contact name in focus.

By default, the confirm tone sound is enabled for all the commands. You can use the function AddVMenuCommand to disable the Confirm tone sound for individual commands.