This structure provides information about the audio device, speech-recognition mode, and other attributes of a voice command site.
typedef struct { // vcsi
DWORD dwAutoGainEnable;
DWORD dwAwakeState;
DWORD dwThreshold;
DWORD dwDevice;
DWORD dwEnable;
TCHAR szMicrophone[VCMD_MICLEN];
- dwAutoGainEnable
- Specifies a value from 0 to 100 that indicates the state of the automatic gain for the incoming audio stream to be used by the site.
- dwAwakeState
- Specifies the state of speech recognition. TRUE indicates that the site is awake for purposes of speech-recognition; FALSE indicates that the site is asleep.
- dwThreshold
- Specifies a value from 0 to 100 that indicates the recognition threshold for the speech-recognition engine to be used by the site.
- dwDevice
- Specifies the device identifier of the wave-in audio device to be used by the site. The device identifier can be obtained by calling the waveInGetNumDevs and waveInGetDevCaps multimedia functions.
- dwEnable
- Specifies whether or not speech recognition is enabled. TRUE indicates that speech recognition is enabled for the site; FALSE indicates that speech recognition is disabled.
- szMicrophone
- Null-terminated string that contains the name of the current microphone for the audio source to be used by the site.
- szSpeaker
- Null-terminated string that contains the name of the current speaker for the site.
- gModeID
- Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the speech-recognition mode to be used by the site. The GUID for a speech-recognition mode can be obtained by using a speech-recognition enumerator.
An application can pass a pointer to a VCSITEINFO structure with the IVoiceCmd::Register method to set the audio device, speech-recognition mode, and other attributes of a voice-command site, even if the site is already open.