This method pauses text-to-speech output for a voice text site.
HRESULT AudioPause(void);
When a voice text object is first created, text-to-speech output is not paused. Because pausing text-to-speech output affects all applications that use voice text on the site, an application should resume text-to-speech output as soon as possible by calling the IVoiceText::AudioResume method.
When output has been paused, the IVTxtAttributes::IsSpeaking method returns FALSE, even though the voice text object still has data available in its queue and has not yet sent a IVTxtNotifySink::SpeakingDone notification.
No notifications are sent when audio is paused or resumed.
IVoiceText::AudioResume, IVTxtAttributes::IsSpeaking, IVTxtNotifySink::SpeakingDone