
This method indicates whether text is currently being spoken by a voice text site.


HRESULT IsSpeaking( BOOL *pfSpeaking);


[out] Pointer to a Boolean that receives the current speaking status. The Boolean is set to TRUE if the text-to-speech engine is speaking, or to FALSE if it is silent.

Return Values

The method successfully indicated whether text is currently being spoken by a voice text site.
The text-to-speech mode is invalid, or the application has not been registered to use the voice text on the site.
A parameter is invalid.
There is not enough memory.


The voice text object does not send data resulting from multiple calls to the IVoiceText::Speak method directly to the text-to-speech engine. Instead, the object keeps data from each call in a separate buffer so that the VTXTSP_HIGH and VTXTSP_VERYHIGH priority strings can be inserted into the queue at the proper positions.

For example, a VTXTSP_VERYHIGH priority string may interrupt a high or normal priority string. The interrupted string resumes after the very high priority string has finished. As a result of this implementation, IsSpeaking returns FALSE for a short time between the end of one buffer in the queue and the start of the next buffer, because audio output has been temporarily suspended.