CComControl Data Members

Data Member Description
m_bAutoSize Flag that indicates the control cannot be any other size, and SetExtent should fail.
m_bDrawFromNatural Flag that indicates that GetZoomInfo should use the control’s actual size and not its current extent for the denominator when calculating the zoom factor.
m_bDrawGetDataInHimetric Flag that indicates that GetData should use HIMETRIC units and not pixels when drawing.
m_bEnabled Flag that indicates the control is enabled.
m_bInPlaceActive Flag that indicates the control is in-place active.
m_bInPlaceSiteEx Flag that indicates the container supports OCX96 control features, such as windowless and flicker-free controls.
m_bNegotiatedWnd Flag that indicates whether or not the control has negotiated with the container about being windowless or windowed.
m_bRecomposeOnResize Flag that indicates the control wants to recompose its presentation when the container changes the control’s display size.
m_bRequiresSave Flag that indicates the control has changed since it was last saved.
m_bResizeNatural Flag that indicates the control wants to resize its natural extent (its unscaled physical size) when the container changes the control’s display size.
m_bUIActive Flag that indicates the control’s user interface is active.
m_bUsingWindowRgn Flag that indicates the control is using the container-supplied window region.
m_bWasOnceWindowless Flag that indicates the control has been windowless, but may or may not be windowless now.
m_bWindowOnly Flag that indicates the control should be windowed even if the container supports windowless controls.
m_bWndless Flag that indicates the control is windowless.
m_hWndCD A reference to the window handle associated with the control.
m_nFreezeEvents A count of the number of times the container has refused to accept events (a freeze of events) without an intervening acceptance of events (a thaw of events).
m_phWndCD A pointer to the window handle associated with the control.
m_rcPos The RECT position of the control.
m_sizeExtent The SIZE of the control on a particular display in HIMETRIC units (each logical unit is 0.01 millimeter). This size is scaled by the display.
m_sizeNatural The fixed physical SIZE of the control in HIMETRIC units (each logical unit is 0.01 millimeter). This size is not scaled by the display.
m_spAdviseSink A COM interface pointer of type IAdviseSink.
m_spAmbientDispatch A CComDispatchDriver object used to set and get properties through IDispatch.
m_spClientSite A COM interface pointer of type IOleClientSite.
m_spDataAdviseHolder A COM interface pointer of type IDataAdviseHolder.
m_spInPlaceSite A pointer to the container’s IOleInPlaceSite, IOleInPlaceSiteEx, or IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless COM interface.
m_spOleAdviseHolder A COM interface pointer of type IOleAdviseHolder.

Stock Property Data Members

Data Member Description
m_bAutoSize Stores the AUTOSIZE stock property.
m_bBorderVisible Stores the BORDERVISIBLE stock property.
m_bEnabled Stores the ENABLED stock property.
m_bstrCaption Stores the CAPTION stock property.
m_bstrText Stores the TEXT stock property.
m_bTabStop Stores the TABSTOP stock property.
m_bValid Stores the VALID stock property.
m_clrBackColor Stores the BACKCOLOR stock property.
m_clrBorderColor Stores the BORDERCOLOR stock property.
m_clrFillColor Stores the FILLCOLOR stock property.
m_clrForeColor Stores the FORECOLOR stock property.
m_nAppearance Stores the APPEARANCE stock property.
m_nBackStyle Stores the BACKSTYLE stock property.
m_nBorderStyle Stores the BORDERSTYLE stock property.
m_nBorderWidth Stores the BORDERWIDTH stock property.
m_nDrawMode Stores the DRAWMODE stock property.
m_nDrawStyle Stores the DRAWSTYLE stock property.
m_nDrawWidth Stores the DRAWWIDTH stock property.
m_nFillStyle Stores the FILLSTYLE stock property.
m_nMousePointer Stores the MOUSEPOINTER stock property.
m_nReadyState Stores the READYSTATE stock property.
m_pFont Stores the FONT stock property.
m_pMouseIcon Stores the MOUSEICON stock property.
m_pPicture Stores the PICTURE stock property.