
This class implements every stock property you can choose from the Stock Properties tab in the ATL Object Wizard. When you select a stock property from the ATL Object Wizard, CStockPropImpl creates a data member in your control class, creates put and get methods for the property, and adds code to notify and synchronize with the container when the property changes.

At a Glance

Header file: Atlctl.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation


template < class T, class InterfaceName, const IID* piid, const GUID* plibid >
class CStockPropImpl : IDispatchImpl< InterfaceName, piid, plibid >


In Windows CE, the CStockPropImpl class does not implement the put or get methods for m_nMousePointer or m_pPicture.

See Also

CComControl, CWindow