
This class provides the base functionality for manipulating a window in ATL. Many of the CWindow methods are simply wrappers for Windows CE functions.

At a Glance

Header file: Atlwin.h
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later
Complete documentation: Visual C++ documentation


class CWindow


ATL for Windows CE supports the following CWindow methods but, because of inherent differences between the Windows CE and the Windows-based desktop platforms, the following methods do not support the full range of behavior:

CWindow::CreateCaret CWindow::ScrollWindowEx
CWindow::GetDlgItem CWindow::SetDlgItemInt
CWindow::GetDlgItemInt CWindow::SetFocus
CWindow::MessageBox CWindow::ShowWindow

ATL for Windows CE does not support the following CWindow methods:

ArrangeIconicWindows InvalidateRgn
ChangeClipboardChain IsIconic
ChildWindowFromPointEx IsZoomed
DlgDirList LockWindowUpdate
DlgDirListComboBox Print
DlgDirSelect PrintClient
DlgDirSelectComboBox ResizeClient
DragAcceptFiles ScrollWindow
EnableScrollBar SendMessageToDescendants
FlashWindow SetClipboardViewer
GetDescendantWindow SetHotKey
GetHotKey SetMenu
GetLastActivePopup SetWindowContextHelpId
GetMenu SetWindowPlacement
GetSystemMenu SetWindowRgn
GetTopWindow SetWindowWord
GetWindowContextHelpId ShowOwnedPopups
GetWindowPlacement ShowScrollBar
GetWindowRgn ShowWindowAsync
GetWindowWord ValidateRgn
HiliteMenuItem WinHelp