CWindow Methods

Alert Methods

Method Description
MessageBox Displays a message box.

Attribute Methods

Method Description
GetExStyle Retrieves the extended window styles.
GetStyle Retrieves the window styles.
GetWindowLong Retrieves a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.
ModifyStyle Modifies the window styles.
ModifyStyleEx Modifies the extended window styles.
SetWindowLong Sets a 32-bit value at a specified offset into the extra window memory.

Caret Methods

Method Description
CreateCaret Creates a new shape for the system caret.
CreateGrayCaret Creates a gray rectangle for the system caret.
CreateSolidCaret Creates a solid rectangle for the system caret.
HideCaret Hides the system caret.
ShowCaret Displays the system caret.

Clipboard Methods

Method Description
OpenClipboard Opens the clipboard.

Construction, Destruction, and Initialization Methods

Method Description
Attach Attaches a window to the CWindow object.
Cwindow Constructor.
DestroyWindow Destroys the window associated with the CWindow object.
Detach Detaches the window from the CWindow object.

Coordinate Mapping Methods

Method Description
ClientToScreen Converts client coordinates to screen coordinates.
MapWindowPoints Converts a set of points from the window’s coordinate space to the coordinate space of another window.
ScreenToClient Converts screen coordinates to client coordinates.

Dialog Box Item Methods

Method Description
CheckDlgButton Changes the check state of the specified button.
CheckRadioButton Checks the specified radio button.
GetDlgItemInt Translates a control’s text to an integer.
GetDlgItemText Retrieves a control’s text.
GetNextDlgGroupItem Retrieves the previous or next control within a group of controls.
GetNextDlgTabItem Retrieves the previous or next control having the WS_TABSTOP style.
IsDlgButtonChecked Determines the check state of the button.
SendDlgItemMessage Sends a message to a control.
SetDlgItemInt Changes a control’s text to the string representation of an integer value.
SetDlgItemText Changes a control’s text.

Font Methods

Method Description
GetFont Retrieves the window’s current font.
SetFont Changes the window’s current font.

Icon Methods

Method Description
GetIcon Retrieves the window’s large or small icon.
SetIcon Changes the window’s large or small icon.

Message Methods

Method Description
PostMessage Places a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the window. Returns without waiting for the thread to process the message.
SendMessage Sends a message to the window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message.
SendNotifyMessage Sends a message to the window. If the window was created by the calling thread, SendNotifyMessage does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. Otherwise, it returns immediately.

Scrolling Methods

Method Description
GetScrollPos Retrieves the position of the scroll box.
GetScrollRange Retrieves the scroll bar range.
ScrollWindowEx Scrolls the specified client area with additional features.
SetScrollPos Changes the position of the scroll box.
SetScrollRange Changes the scroll bar range.

Timer Methods

Method Description
KillTimer Destroys a timer event.
SetTimer Creates a timer event.

Update and Painting Methods

Method Description
BeginPaint Prepares the window for painting.
DrawMenuBar Redraws the menu bar.
EndPaint Marks the end of painting.
GetDC Retrieves a device context for the client area.
GetDCEx Retrieves a device context for the client area and allows clipping options.
GetUpdateRect Retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the update region.
GetUpdateRgn Retrieves the update region and copies it into a specified region.
GetWindowDC Retrieves a device context for the entire window.
Invalidate Invalidates the entire client area.
InvalidateRect Invalidates the client area within the specified rectangle.
IsWindowVisible Determines the window’s visibility state.
RedrawWindow Updates a specified rectangle or region in the client area.
ReleaseDC Releases a device context.
SetRedraw Sets or clears the redraw flag.
ShowWindow Sets the window’s show state.
UpdateWindow Updates the client area.
ValidateRect Validates the client area within the specified rectangle.

Window Access Methods

Method Description
ChildWindowFromPoint Retrieves the child window that contains the specified point.
GetParent Retrieves the immediate parent window.
GetTopLevelParent Retrieves the top-level parent or owner window.
GetTopLevelWindow Retrieves the top-level owner window.
GetWindow Retrieves the specified window.
IsChild Determines whether the specified window is a child window.
SetParent Changes the parent window.

Window Size and Position Methods

Method Description
BringWindowToTop Brings the window to the top of the z-order.
CenterWindow Centers the window against a specified window.
GetClientRect Retrieves the coordinates of the client area.
GetWindowRect Retrieves the window’s bounding dimensions.
MoveWindow Changes the window’s size and position.
SetWindowPos Sets the size, position, and z-order.

Window State Methods

Method Description
EnableWindow Enables or disables input.
IsWindowEnabled Determines whether the window is enabled for input.
SetActiveWindow Activates the window.
SetCapture Sends all subsequent mouse input to the window.
SetFocus Sets the input focus to the windo.w

Window Text Methods

Method Description
GetWindowText Retrieves the window’s text.
GetWindowTextLength Retrieves the length of the window’s text.
SetWindowText Changes the window’s text.

Window Tree Access Methods

Method Description
GetDlgCtrlID Retrieves the window’s identifier (for child windows only).
GetDlgItem Retrieves the window’s identifier (for child windows only).
SetDlgCtrlID Changes the window’s identifier.