IDataObjectImpl Methods

Class Methods

Method Description
FireDataChange Sends a change notification back to each advise sink.

IDataObject Methods

Method Description
EnumFormatEtc Creates an enumerator to iterate through the FORMATETC structures supported by the data object. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
GetCanonicalFormatEtc Retrieves a logically equivalent FORMATETC structure to one that is more complex. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
GetData Transfers data from the data object to the client. The data is described in a FORMATETC structure and is transferred through a STGMEDIUM structure.
GetDataHere Similar to GetData, except the client must allocate the STGMEDIUM structure. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
QueryGetData Determines whether the data object supports a particular FORMATETC structure for transferring data. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
SetData Transfers data from the client to the data object. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.