IPropertyPageImpl Methods

Class Methods

Method Description
IPropertyPageImpl Constructor.
SetDirty Flags the property page's state as changed or unchanged.

IPropertyPage Methods

Method Description
Activate Creates the dialog box window for the property page.
Apply Applies current property page values to the underlying objects specified through SetObjects. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
Deactivate Destroys the window created with Activate.
GetPageInfo Retrieves information about the property page.
IsPageDirty Indicates whether the property page has changed since it was activated.
Move Positions and resizes the property page dialog box.
SetObjects Provides an array of IUnknown pointers for the objects associated with the property page. These objects receive the current property page values through a call to Apply.
SetPageSite Provides the property page with an IPropertyPageSite pointer, through which the property page communicates with the property frame.
Show Makes the property page dialog box visible or invisible.
TranslateAccelerator Processes a specified keystroke.