Registering the CSP

The following registry entries register the CSP with the OS.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Security\Crypto\Defaults\Provider\CSP name]
    Image Path = REG_SZ: CSP DLL name
    Signature = REG_BINARY: digital signature
    Type = REG_DWORD: CSP Type

The CSP name entry must be the textual name of the CSP. If the CSP has been signed by Microsoft, this name must exactly match the CSP name that was specified in the Export Compliance Certificate (ECC).

The Image Path entry must be set to the name of the CSP DLL. A fully qualified path, such as "\Windows\Rsabase.dll" can also be specified here.

The Signature entry must contain a digital signature for the CSP DLL. This signature can either be created with the Sign.exe utility, the debug signature, or obtained from Microsoft.