SSPI Functions and Structures

The following table shows the SSPI functions supported by Windows CE.

AcceptSecurityContext Establishes a security context between the server and a remote client.
AcquireCredentialsHandle Enables an application to acquire a handle to preexisting credentials associated with the user on whose behalf the call is made.
ApplyControlToken Provides a way to apply a control token to a security context.
DeleteSecurityContext Deletes local data structures associated with the specified security context.
EnumerateSecurityPackages Returns an array of SECPKGINFO structures that describe the security packages available to the client.
FreeContextBuffer Enables callers of security provider functions to free a memory buffer allocated by the security provider.
FreeCredentialsHandle Notifies the security system that the credentials are no longer needed.
InitSecurityInterface Returns a pointer to an SSPI dispatch table.
InitializeSecurityContext Initiates the outbound security context from a credential handle. This function establishes a security context between the client application and a remote peer.
MakeSignature Generates a cryptographic checksum of the message and includes sequencing data to prevent message loss or insertion. This function enables the application to choose from several cryptographic algorithms.
QueryContextAttributes Enables a transport application to query a security package for certain security context attributes.
QueryCredentialsAttributes Retrieves the credential attributes.
QuerySecurityPackageInfo Retrieves data about a specified security package.
VerifySignature Verifies the signature of a peer client message.

The following table shows the SSPI structures supported by Windows CE.

SecPkgInfo Provides general security package data, such as its name and capabilities
SecPkgContext_Sizes Indicates the sizes of important structures used in the message support functions
SecPkgContext_Names Indicates the user name associated with a security context
SecPkgContext_Lifespan Indicates the life span of a security context
SecPkgContext_DceInfo Contains authorization data used by DCE services
SecPkgCredentials_Names Indicates the name of the user associated with a context