Initializing TAPI

When initializing TAPI, the application must establish a way to communicate between a Windows CE–based application and TAPI. An application tells TAPI the address of the callback function in the call to the lineInitialize function.

The lineInitialize function initializes the application's use of Tapi.dll for subsequent use. It registers the application-specific notification mechanism and returns the number of line devices available to the application.

The following code example shows how to initialize Tapi.dll.

DWORD InitializeTAPI ()
  DWORD dwLineID,
        dwTimeCount = GetTickCount ();

  TCHAR szWarning[] = TEXT("Cannot initialize the application's use\n") 
                      TEXT("of tapi.dll. Quit all other telephony\n")
                      TEXT("programs, and then try again.");

  // Initialize the application's use of Tapi.dll. Keep trying until the
  // user cancels or the application stops returning LINEERR_REINIT.
  while ( (dwReturn = lineInitialize (&g_hLineApp, 
                                      (LINECALLBACK) lineCallbackFunc, 
                                      &g_dwNumDevs)) == LINEERR_REINIT)
    // Display the message box if five seconds have passed.
    if (GetTickCount () > 5000 + dwTimeCount)
      if (MessageBox (g_hwndMain, szWarning, TEXT("Warning"), 
                      MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK)
      // Reset the time counter.
      dwTimeCount = GetTickCount ();      

  // If the lineInitialize function fails, then return.
  if (dwReturn)
    return dwReturn;

  // If there is no device, then return.
  if (g_dwNumDevs == 0)
    ErrorBox (TEXT("There are no line devices available."));

  // Allocate buffer for storing LINEINFO for all the available lines.
  if (! (g_lpLineInfo = (LPLINEINFO) LocalAlloc (
                                      sizeof (LINEINFO) * g_dwNumDevs)))
    return LINEERR_NOMEM;

  // Get the line data such as line name, permanent identifier,
  // and number of available addresses on the line by calling 
  // GetLineInfo discussed later in this chapter.
  for (dwLineID = 0; dwLineID < g_dwNumDevs; ++dwLineID)
    GetLineInfo (dwLineID, &g_lpLineInfo [dwLineID]);

  return ERR_NONE;

The following are the variables used in the previous function, and in code examples that follow.

HINSTANCE g_hInst = NULL;       // hInstance of the application
HWND g_hwndMain = NULL;         // Handle to the main window
HWND g_hwndDial = NULL;         // Handle to the dialing window

TCHAR g_szTitle[] = TEXT("CeDialer");
                                // CeDialer application window name
TCHAR g_szAppName[] = TEXT("CeDialer Application");
                                // Main window class name
HLINEAPP g_hLineApp = NULL;     // Application's use handle for TAPI
                                // (lineInitialize)
HCALL g_hCall = NULL;           // Handle to the open line device on 
                                // which the call is to be originated 
                                // (lineMakeCall)
LONG g_MakeCallRequestID = 0;   // Request identifier returned by 
                                // lineMakeCall.
LONG g_DropCallRequestID = 0;   // Request identifier returned by 
                                // lineDrop.
BOOL g_bCurrentLineAvail = TRUE;// Indicates line availability

                                // Current phone number
                                // Last called phone number
DWORD g_dwNumDevs = 0;          // Number of line devices available
DWORD g_dwCurrentLineID = -1;   // Current line device identifier
DWORD g_dwCurrentLineAddr = -1; // Current line address

LINEINFO g_CurrentLineInfo;     // Contains the current line information
LINEINFO *g_lpLineInfo = NULL;  // Array that contains all the lines' 
                                // information

#define InfoBox(_s)  MessageBox (g_hwndMain, _s, TEXT("Info"), MB_OK)
#define ErrorBox(_s) MessageBox (g_hwndMain, _s, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK)

#define ERR_NONE              0
#define TAPI_VERSION_1_0      0x00010003
#define TAPI_VERSION_1_4      0x00010004
#define TAPI_VERSION_2_0      0x00020000

typedef struct tagLINEINFO
  HLINE hLine;              // Line handle returned by lineOpen
  BOOL  bVoiceLine;         // Indicates if the line is a voice line
  DWORD dwAPIVersion;       // API version that the line supports
  DWORD dwNumOfAddress;     // Number of available addresses on the line
  DWORD dwPermanentLineID;  // Permanent line identifier
  TCHAR szLineName[256];    // Name of the line