TAPI Functions

The Tapi.dll module exports the TAPI functions used to develop TAPI client applications, such as outbound dialing telephony applications. TAPI functions and structures are defined in the Tapi.h header file.

TAPI functions are identified as asynchronous if they can return before making a call to the application callback function; otherwise, they are considered synchronous.

The following table shows the TAPI functions supported by Windows CE.

lineAddProvider Installs a new service provider
lineClose Closes a specified line device
lineConfigDialogEdit Displays a dialog box for a user to change configuration data for a line device
lineDeallocateCall Frees system-allocated memory related to the call after the call has been dropped
lineDrop Drops or disconnects a call
lineGetDevCaps Returns the capabilities of a specified line device
lineGetDevConfig Returns the default configuration of a specified line device
lineGetID Retrieves a device identifier associated with the specified open line, address, or call
lineGetTranslateCaps Returns the address of translation capabilities
lineInitialize Initializes the TAPI line for use by invoking applications
lineMakeCall Initiates outbound dialing, makes a call, and returns a handle
lineNegotiateAPIVersion Negotiates the API version
lineOpen Opens a specified line device for providing subsequent monitoring and control of the line
lineSetCurrentLocation Sets the location used as the context for address translation
lineSetDevConfig Sets the configuration of the specified medial stream device
lineSetStatusMessages Specifies the status change on the line device or its addresses for which the application is notified
lineShutdown Shuts down TAPI
lineTranslateAddress Translates a specified address into a string format capable of being dialed
lineTranslateDialog Displays a dialog box enabling a user to change the current location of a phone number to be dialed

Note All TAPI functions return zero to signal success.